(news advertisements snapshot)

8:00 AM (4/23/23):
After officially concluding my spiritual writings on 4/6/23, I had 17 days of refinement/closing remarks (but certain environmental stimuli, suggests I ought to utilize an alternative outlet - if this is the case... for the sake, of distinction)...

7:17 AM (4/23/23):
This dude probably had to act like he was 'awake' the whole time, so that he capitalized on his investment...

7:04 AM (4/23/23):
There is a difference between having an education, and 'being educated'... Going to college for the sake of getting a degree, is often complemented... by social experiences, via extracurriculurs... and networking...

7:11 AM (4/23/23):
An intriguing video, about a person's life... at Harvard University... The demographics of certain schools/universities, are subject to variability... based off their location, their reputation and what opportunities... they offer...

6:41 AM (4/23/23):

(scrambled eggs and a sausage patty, as of 6:18 AM... today - 4/23/23)

7:26 AM (4/23/23):
After watching 0:00-3:10 of this YouTube video recommendation, I concluded that learning... can be 'like an adventure'...
A number of variables must be met, and many things must be aligned... in order for one's potential, to be realized... Nature and nurture, are factors... which account, for the demographics... of candidates, for prestigious... academic awards...

6:33 PM (4/22/23):
Interesting 'Pale Blue Dot' Carl Sagan narration, for today (Earth Day)...

6:46 PM (4/22/23):
Satirical and fake video, of Vladimir Putin... critiquing the lifestyles, of African natives...

1:35 PM (4/22/23):
"One should not confuse knowledge, with imagination..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Imagination is more important, than knowledge..." - Albert Einstein


1:40 PM (4/22/23):
“Whoever therefore breaks one of these least commandments and teaches others to break them, will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 5:19

“About that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?’
Jesus called a little child to Him and put the child among them. Then He said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins... and become like little children… you will never get into, the Kingdom of Heaven’…” - Matthew 18:1-3

NOTE #1:
Matthew 19:24 states, 'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven...' I believe that the word 'rich' in this verse, is 'adversarial'... in the context, of the seven deadly sins... 
>>>7 deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy & pride...

NOTE #2:
...'there is a difference between being like a child... and being child-like'... There is the presumption, that grown adults are not supposed to exhibit the behavior of children... but rarely do they retain the qualities and innocence, that is widely attributed... to one's youth... In the context of this, there is the presumption that a child is less culpable... of having engaged in the 7 deadly sins, than an adult... and such is why emphasis is placed on the value... of the 'child state'... in Matthew 18:1-3... 
...One can then infer, that the qualities of a child... are more inclined, to suffice the requirements... for gaining entry, to heaven... than those, which are widely affiliated... with adults (from a societal and cultural, perspective)...

1:31 PM (4/22/23):
I found this Stephen Hawking video to be uplifting, but the fact that Stephen was 'an avowed atheist'... detracted, from any inspiration... I could derive...

1:10 PM (4/22/23):
A Ramada hotel receipt, from 1/6/22... I haven't stayed at a hotel, in quite some time... ... partially due to my engagement, with conflict management...

10:43 AM (4/22/23):
Some people are mentors to others, and then are inspired... in return...

10:41 AM (4/22/23):
Smoking may lead to diseases, such as emphysema... As Desiderius Erasmus once said, 'the best cure, is prevention'...

10:35 AM (4/22/23):
There are studies, which attest that age reversal... may be impossible...
10:33 AM (4/22/23) 
Many variables, account for what happens... when people cross paths, in life...

PAST WRITINGS (as of 4/22/23): 


"Interesting and sad article/video, about R. Kelly..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I recollect that R. Kelly made a music video, to the following song... Nevertheless, if one clicks on such on YouTube... as of 3:50 PM today (6/29/22), there is a redirect... to this..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Personally, there was 'great spirit' to the song 'I believe I can fly'... so my first impression, upon hearing the news (in the context of that song)... was 'damn, what was he thinking'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… according to what their deeds deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Not too long ago, I was wondering what it would be like... walking across the surface of another planet... assuming one was alone, and had to find a way to get back to Earth (having arrived on that world, in a ship... knowing that radio transmissions takes a while, to reach our world)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Some people don't really leave their native country... much less, walk around in one... that is 'particularly foreign' to oneself, overseas... Imagine a completely different planet (outside our solar system), separated from ours by the 'voids of space'... as opposed to a different country, across an ocean..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"A nice song, that I listened to often... in the summer of 2019..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"College typically serves as a foundation, for the fulfillment... of certain endeavors..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Around the world, there are many types of schools... The ones that are most recognized, tend to attract a diverse array of students... across the globe..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Powerful scene, from the 2011 movie 'X-Men: First Class'... One may not realize one's potential, without encountering another... whose inspiration, may serve as a catalyst..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"The following two videos, seem particularly interesting... when their respective audio's, overlap..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Phone calls can be illuminating, when they have not been made... for a good while... Such is a great invention, with origins in the 1800's..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Time is relative, to the observer..." - Albert Einstein


"Interesting video of a female preparing for a sleepover, at a friend's house... I never went to sleepovers in my childhood or adolescence (my dad discouraged such), but I suspect that she is suffering from 'bulimia nervosa'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TIME: 10:09 AM (6/27/22):
"Raising a child, is a joint effort... that is the product of consensual relations... Nevertheless, the basis for abortions... prior to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, has been multifaceted..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TIME: 2:46 PM (6/27/22):
"He who conquers himself, is the mightiest warrior..." - Confucius
"A tragic article, regarding civilian casualties... in Ukraine... The nature of such a conflict, is inhumane..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(Subway 6" from 12:27 PM, today)
3:14 PM (6/27/22):
"Interesting article... I am wondering why it's stated, that in Germany... only 42% of people, own homes..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"A house is not a home; 'a house is built with walls and beams, while a home is made with love... and dreams'..." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

3:17 PM (6/27/22): 
"...something about the respective pasts, of nations... perhaps..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:48 PM (6/27/22):
"Interesting video, I watched a number of times... in 2018, or so... I was fond of a number of episodes, in the 'Game of Thrones' TV series..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:53 PM (6/27/22):
"...such as..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"At 4:17-4:19 in the video, Tyrion Lannister slowly stands up... while gazing upon the dragon ('named Drogon'), as though saying to himself, 'he is beginning... to believe'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TIME:  5:10 PM (6/27/22):
"Inspiring video, regarding the nature of hard work... preceding a certain degree, of success..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"School lunches should be both delicious, and nutritious..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(creativity can do wonders)

"One may need to think deeply and thoroughly, about the process by which an ideal... can be realized... before such can be..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:43 PM (6/27/22):
"There are boxes and spheres... thinking outside of them, can be beneficial..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TIME: 7:20 PM (6/27/22):
"There is the realm of the material, and the realm of the immaterial/spirit... A boundary exists, between them... but that does not mean, that the supernatural never interacts... with the natural..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:29 AM (6/28/22):
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24

7:14 AM (6/28/22):
"If one does not learn from the mistakes of the past, they are bound... to repeat..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Interesting video of a dude training, while chasing a bicyclist... around a curve...

9:44 AM (6/28/22):
"Interesting marathon race... There are 26.2 miles, in a marathon... which compares with a cross country race, which is 3.1 miles (5,000 meters)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"I did cross country (junior varsity), for my sophmore and junior year... of high school... and track and field (varsity), for all four years..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Exercise is important, for 'physique maintenance/sculpting'... 
"I wonder why..." - Michael Izuchukwu
